Recruitment, Selection and Placement
Recruitment, Selection and Placement
In its pursuit to adhere to the policy of the Department of Education to strictly adhere to the principles of merit, competence, fitness, and equality, and to the Civil Service Commission’s application of equal employment opportunity, the Schools Division Office of Olongapo City, under the close supervision and management of its Human Resource Management Office, Personnel Unit, and the Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board, presents the Recruitment Selection and Placement (RSP) procedure and guidelines.
This section shall give its Human Resources and all those who shall take interest to serve SDO Olongapo City, a clearer understanding of the RSP processes and procedures, the essential and required documents to present in order to qualify for employment, reclassification, reappointment, reemployment, promotion and other personnel actions and opportunities.

No person with disability shall be denied access to opportunities for suitable employment. A qualified employee with disability shall be subject to the same terms and conditions of employment and the same compensation, privileges, benefits, fringe benefits, incentives or allowances as a qualified able-bodied person.
“At least one percent (1 %) of all positions in all government agencies, offices or corporal ions shall be reserved for persons with disability: Provided, That private corporations with more than one hundred (100) employees are encouraged to reserve at least one
percent ( 1 %) of all positions for persons with disability.
In our aim for excellence and continuous improvement in the delivery of our services to our clients, the Schools Division Office (SDO) of Olongapo City hereby issues Guidelines on Equal Employment Opporunity for Recruitment, Selection and Placement. This shall be integrated in consistent with the Department of Education Merit Selection Plan released through DepEd Order No. 19, s. 2022 on April 22, 2022.
Guidelines provide a systematic procedure in applying the equal employment opportunity in human resource management, specifically, in the Recruitment, Selection and Placement. It encompasses teaching and non-teaching positions in the SDO of Olongapo City.
a. Discrimination-an act of making unjustified distinction between people based on age, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, civil status, physical characteristic and attributes, religion, belief, race, language, political affiliation, social status, etc.
b. Equal Employment Opportunity – it refers to fair treatment of all applicants and employees to a position, designation or assignment following the equal opportunity principle to all regardless of their age, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, civil status, physical characteristic and attributes, religion, belief, race, language, political affiliation, social or economic status, etc.
c. Special Group – group of persons with special attention or consideration, such as but not limited to pregnant women, senior citizens, solo parents, differently abled persons, indigenous peoples and others as may be defined by institution.
It is the policy of the SDO of Olongapo City to strictly adhere to existing laws, rules and policies including the equal access to opportunities for suitable employment principle as mandated above-mentioned legal bases. The Human Resource Merit Promotion Selection Board (HRMPSB) is tasked to ensure that these guidelines are implemented.
The recruitment, selection and placement of personnel in the SDO of Olongapo City shall be based on merit and fitness. Every eligible applicant shall be notified through job vacancy publications using wide-ranging media such as SDO Olongapo City Facebook page and website, and Public Employment Service Office (PESO)- Olongapo City Bulletin Board. There shall be no discrimination in the selection of applicants on the account of age, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, civil status, physical characteristic and attributes, religion, belief, race, language, political affiliation, social or economic status, etc. This nondisc1iminatory statement shall be included in all job vacancy fonns and publications.
In line with this, applicants who are physically challenged shall be accommodated based on the following procedures:
a. A parking space inside the SDO of Olongapo City compound shall be provided near the entrance ramp for those who are using wheel chair.
b. In consideration of the members of special group with difficulty in using the stairs going to the second floor where the recruitment activity is usually conducted, the HRMPSB shall assess them at a room located at the ground floor.
c. The clinic shall lend the available wheel chair to the applicant who will need it throughout the selection process.
d. Blind applicant may be accompanied by one personal assistant. However, the assistant shall wait outside the room where the selection process is being conducted. The HRMPSB Secretariat shall be the one to assist the applicant inside the room. Voice-assisted tests shall be used to assess them. The applicant’s answers shall be recorded with the assistance of human resource personnel or HRMPSB Secretariat.
e. Deaf and/or mute applicants shall be provided a sign language interpreter if they need to undergo unwritten examinations and/ or interviews.
f. For members of indigenous people, their preferred language (Filipino or English) shall be used for examination and interview.
Recruitment, Selection and Placement PROCESS FLOW