SDO Olongapo City PRAISE’s general objective is to encourage, recognize and reward employees, individually or in groups, for their suggestions, innovative ideas, inventions, discoveries, superior accomplishments, heroic deeds, exemplary behavior, extraordinary acts or services in the public interest and other personal efforts which contribute to the efficiency, economy and improvement in government operations, which lead to organizational productivity.
The SDO Olongapo City, in making any Human Resource decision or any related decision shall ensure that no person is discriminated against, nor any person is unduly favored on account of their sex and gender, age, civil status, physical characteristics and attributes, religion, belief, creed, race, family background, political affiliation, socio-economic standing and other attributes that violates the principles of equality, equity and fairness.

This Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) System of Schools Division Office of Olongapo City with Equal Opportunity Principle (EOP) Policy shall apply to all officials and employees both teaching and non-teaching of the Agency and basic education public schools in the division.
- CSC MC No. 01 Series of 2001, Program on Awards, and Incentives for Service Excellence
- DepEd Order No. 29, s. 2002, Merit Selection Plan of the Department of Education
- DepEd Order No. 9, s. 2002, Establishing the PRAISE in the Department of Education
- Regional Memorandum No. 217, s. 2022 – Implementation Guidelines on the Program on Awards and incentives for Service Excellence (Praise) of the Deped RO3
- Division Memorandum No. 193, s. 2022 – Reiteration of Regional Memorandum no. 217, s. 2022, Implementation Guidelines on the Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) of the Department of Education Region III
- Division Memorandum No. 290, s. 2022 – Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No. 193, s. 2022 entitled “Implementation Guidelines on the Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) of DepEd Region III
- Division Memorandum No. 349, s. 2022 – Corrigendum and Addendum on the Provisions for Item No 5 of Division Memorandum No. 193, s. 2022 Reiteration of Regional Memorandum No. 217, s. 2022, “Implementation Guidelines on the Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) of the Department of Education Region Ill”
Establish a mechanism for identifying, selecting, rewarding and providing incentives to deserving officials and employees at the start of each year;
Identify outstanding accomplishments, best practices of employees on a continuing basis;
Recognize and reward accomplishments and innovations periodically or as the need arises; and
Provide incentives and interventions to motivate officials and employees who have contributed ideas, suggestions, inventions, discoveries, superior accomplishments, and other personal efforts.
Outstanding Awards – aims to recognize Outstanding Agency officials and employees, on the following award categories:
- Outstanding Teacher (elementary and secondary)
- Outstanding Master Teacher (elementary and secondary)
- Outstanding Head Teacher (elementary and secondary)
- Outstanding School Principal (elementary & secondary)
- Outstanding SpEd Teacher (elementary and secondary)
- Outstanding ALS Mobile Teacher
- Outstanding Public Schools District Supervisor (SDO)
- Outstanding Education Program Supervisor (SDO)
- Outstanding Non-Teaching Level 1 Employee (SDO & Schools)
- Outstanding Non-Teaching Level 2 Employee (SDO & Schools)
- Outstanding School (Elementary & Secondary)
- Service Award – conferred on retirees whether under optional or compulsory retirement schemes held during a fitting ceremony on or before the date of retirement who shall be given a Plaque of Recognition and any form of token the Office provides.
On-the-Spot Rewards and Recognition – Agency establishes a culture of employee engagement where everyone, regardless of their designation, economic status, culture, creed, and beliefs are given equal opportunity to be recognized in their day-to-day experience which offer them meaning, impact and appreciation. Almost any simple act of achievement is recognized and appreciated as the Office emphasizes a culture of recognition. Concerned Functional Division Chief shall send letter of recommendation to the PRAISE Committee for approval and proper recording and issuance of certificate codes.
- Gawad Agad Award – given outright to official/s and or employee/s in the Schools Division Offices commended by clients/superior/top management and or functional divisions for their courtesy, promptness, efficiency, and dedication to duty.
- Gawad Galing Award- shall be given to official/s and or employee/s in the School Division Offices in recognition for the following:
Complete, accurate (validated data), and reliable submission of reports. Only those given a Gawad Agad for prompt submission shall be considered for this Gawad Galing Award.
- Exemplary behavior based on the eight norms of conduct as provided under RA 6713 (Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards).
- Excellence in performing duty. This award is given to an employee/ group who has excelled among peers in a functional group, position, or profession.
- 7S of Good House-Keeping Award – shall be given to SDO official/s and or employee/s whose physical areas of responsibility are well-maintained and follow good office-keeping practices as defined by the principles of 7S of good housekeeping, such as, Sort, Systematize, Sweep, Sanitize, Sustain, Safety, Security which have been consistently observed within the screening period.
Gawad ng Schools Division Superintendent Award – shall be given in recognition to an “extra-ordinary achievement” that is successfully implemented an idea that contributed to the efficiency and economy of individual, functional division’s productivity, or improvement in operations or in the welfare of co-employees.
Best Employee of the Month – shall be given to SDO official/s and or employee/s whose accomplishments and services has made a tremendous impact at the organization for that month.
Such other awards – any award duly approved by the Schools Division Superintendent upon the recommendation of the PRAISE Committee.
Rewards and Recognition PROCESS FLOW