Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education – Region III

SCHOOLS Division Office of Olongapo City

Philippine Standard Time:

Schools Division Office Conducts Strategic Planning Workshop

By: Eugene Seguiban

The Schools Division Office, under the leadership of OIC-Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Imelda P. Macaspac, successfully conducted a comprehensive strategic planning workshop from June 18-21, 2024, at the Travelers Hotel, Subic Bay Freeport Zone (SBFZ). The event was facilitated by Mr. Jet Renz Ferrer with the Technical Working Group, and this aimed to chart the Division’s direction for the coming years.

The four-day workshop brought together School Heads, their administrative staff, and all personnel from the Division Office. This inclusive approach ensured that diverse perspectives were considered in the planning process, fostering a collaborative environment where every participant could contribute to shaping the Division’s future.

During the workshop, participants engaged in a series of activities designed to assess the current educational landscape, identify challenges and opportunities, and formulate actionable strategies to enhance the quality of education within the Division. Key topics included SWOT analysis, TOWS MATRIX Analysis, Key Result Areas under Office Function V3, Needs Analysis, Futures Thinking and Scenario Archetype, PESTLE Analysis, Scenario Archetypes and Logical Model Initiatives.

One of the primary focuses of the strategic planning session was the formulation of budgets and plans extending through 2026. The participants meticulously reviewed financial resources and allocations, ensuring that the proposed strategies were not only innovative but also financially sustainable. The planning aimed to create a balanced approach that addresses immediate needs while also laying the groundwork for long-term success.

Dr. Imelda P. Macaspac emphasized the importance of forward-thinking and adaptability in her opening remarks. “In a rapidly changing educational environment, it is crucial that we remain proactive and flexible. Our goal is to provide the best possible education for our learners and to support our educators and staff in achieving excellence,” she stated. She also introduced the policy of “Less is More,” emphasizing the value of simplicity in strategic planning. By focusing on fewer, more impactful initiatives, organizations can allocate their resources more effectively and avoid spreading themselves too thin. This approach encourages clarity, efficiency, and greater impact in achieving strategic goals.

Dr. William Roderick Fallorin, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent, emphasized the importance of culture, budgeting, and accountability in strategic planning. He emphasized that a well-crafted strategic plan cannot succeed if the organization’s culture is not aligned with its goals and values. He further emphasized the need for budget allocation to reflect strategic priorities, ensuring the necessary resources are available to achieve desired outcomes. He also advocated for a “no blame culture” to encourage innovation and continuous improvement. These principles provide valuable guidance for leaders and organizations in implementing effective strategic planning.

Mr. Jet Renz Ferrer, the workshop facilitator, guided the participants through various strategic planning methodologies, ensuring that the sessions were productive and focused. His expertise in educational planning and development was instrumental in helping the group devise realistic and impactful plans.

The workshop concluded with a presentation of the strategic plans and budgets for the next two years. These plans will serve as a roadmap for the Division, guiding their efforts in improving educational outcomes and operational efficiency.

As the Schools Division Office looks ahead, the strategic plans developed during this workshop will be vital in steering the Division toward its goals. The commitment and collaboration demonstrated by all participants underscore a shared dedication to advancing education and ensuring that learners receive the highest quality of learning experiences.

This strategic planning workshop marks a significant step forward for the Schools Division Office, setting the stage for continued growth and success in the coming years.