Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education – Region III

SCHOOLS Division Office of Olongapo City

Philippine Standard Time:


by: Rodel J. MartinezPlanning Officer III

The consolidated efforts of all teachers, principals an SDO personnel have emerged successful after having  registered a  total of 40, 088  enrollees from June 1 to July 15, 2020. How these figures are reached can be spelled though the sacrifice and passion of previous advisers who exhausted all means to contact their former students and explain to parents the new normal set up of schooling in this time of Pandemic. Truly, the solid commitment of teachers coupled with the ceaseless support from their Principals and other stakeholders has made them more motivated to find ways on how to convince the learners to enroll this SY 2020-2021.

Through the School Planning Officers’ Chat Groups and Olongapo City  LIS-EBEIS FB Page, the Planning Officer III of SDO Olongapo City has been consistently hands on in providing updates  and guidelines  on enrolment procedure as well as guidelines to those teachers having difficulty in using the electronic Learner Enrollment Survey Form and the tagging of them in the Learner Information System to make the encoded data official and counted in the system. Below is the summary of the enrollment data from June 1 to July 15, 2020 , Comparative Enrollment from Current to Previous School Year, Ways to Connect to Internet and  the Preferred Distance Learning Modalities of Learners. Undeniably, the enrollment has decreased, the most popular mode to connect to internet is using Mobile Data and the use of Printed Materials /Modules ranks first among the modalities preferred by the learners.

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